I am hope - Minä olen toivo - Jaz sem upanje -project 2022-2024
I AM HOPE Project - KA210-YOU-F6254728, Project duration: 1/5/2022 – 1/3/2024
Project coordinator: Kulttuurikeskus PiiPoo Tampere FinlandPartners in the project:
Pionirski dom - Center for Youth Culture, Slovenia
“ I was surprised to notice how same kind of things we are going through despite different life situations- I am very happy that I got the chance to be in this project!”
“I wish there would be more art-based project where young people can search for their inner-selves”
Where to find hope in these times? How do we create hope for ourselves? Is hope an individual or a group thing? All this and more was researched by young people between the ages of 16 and 22 in Finland and Slovenia within the small-scale cooperation project I AM HOPE/MINÄ OLEN TOIVO/JAZ SEM UPANJE
Watch the video manifesto of hope
The participants prepared the final video of the project - a manifesto of hope, which was created when a group of young people from Finland visited Slovenia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4DzrvSV7Zo
The project has ended but the results will grow in our minds and hearts! Thank you for all participants, partners and everyone that the project touched. Projekti on päättynyt, mutta tulokset kasvavat mielissämme ja sydämissämme! Kiitos kaikille osallistujille, yhteistyökumppaneille ja kaikille, joita hanke kosketti.
Read more about I AM HOPE -project
I AM HOPE - Erasmus+ project of a small partnership, which aims to strengthen the cultural and artistic competences of young people, their mentors and institutions, and which will enable young people to have two youth exchanges, joint training of mentors and familiarization with the work of both institutions
The small partnership project in the field of youth of the Erasmus+ program brings together two partners from Finland and Slovenia: the cultural organization PiiPoo from Finland and Pionirski dom - Center for Youth Cul
ture from Slovenia, which combine cultural and educational content and work regularly with young people. The partner organizations will exchange good practices of cultural education and organize workshops for young people with an emphasis on the inclusion of young people from different social and geographical backgrounds. Young people will be creating on the theme "I am hope" and will, under the guidance of mentors, explore how to cultivate hope and share it in times when more and more gloomy predictions and hardships are looming over the world. During the project, two youth exchanges will take place, a visit by representatives of Pionirski dom organized by Piipoo in order to familiarize themselves with the work, and online material that will be used to work with young people on the topic of socially engaged content with and through the arts.
I AM HOPE 2022-2024 is a youth exchange art project working on art, hope and European values.
The project focused on young people's ideas about the future, hopelessness and hope. Working with art-based methods supports young people's well-being, creativity and sense of meaning. Workshops and encounters allow young people to get to know themselves, others and experience peer-to-peer. T
The project was coordinated by the Cultural Centre PiiPoo and co-funded by the European Union Erasmus+ and the Regional Operation Pirkanmaa.
I AM HOPE - MINÄ OLEN TOIVO 2022-2024 on nuorisovaihto taideprojekti, jossa työskennellään taiteen, toivon ja eurooppalaisten arvojen parissa.
Hanke nosti keskiöön nuorten ajatuksia tulevaisuudesta, toivottomuudesta ja toivosta. Taidemenetelmiin pohjautuva työskentely tukee nuorten hyvinvointia, luovuutta ja merkityksellisyyden kokemuksia. Työpajoissa ja kohtaamisissa pääsee tutustumaan itseensä, toisiin ja kokemaan vertaisuutta. Suomalalis-slovenialainen nuorisoivaihtoprojekti toteutettiin yhdessäPionirski Domin kulttuurikeskuksen kanssa. Projektia koordinoi Kulttuurikeskus PiiPoo ja sitä rahoitettiin Euroopan Unionin Erasmus+ ja pirkanmaalalisen aluellisen Operaatio Pirkanmaan yhteisrahoituksella.
Lisätietoja/ Ask fo more information:
Pilvi Kuitu, executive manager
Cultural Centre PiiPoo
p. 0400 433 722
and from Pionirski Dom, https://www.pionirski-dom.si/en/international-projects/i-am-hope